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IC690USB901 GE Fanuc USB/SNP Programming Cable

IC690USB901 GE Fanuc USB/SNP Programming Cable

Technical Specifications:

Product No.:
In Stock
Product Type:
USB/SNP Programming Cable
Product Origin:
Shipping port:
12 months

Features and Technical Specifications

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Windows 2000/XP
  • Not supported: WinNT4/95/98/Me/DOS

Supported Programming Software Versions:

CIMPLICITY V5.0 and above


Fully compliant with USB V1.1 and USB CDC V1.1 specifications

Power Supply:

USB bus-powered, current consumption approximately 50mA

Baud Rate:

300bps to 1Mbps, automatically adapted

UART Data Format:

  • Data bits: 7, 8
  • Stop bits: 1, 2
  • Parity: odd/even/no parity

Communication Distance:

Maximum 1.5 kilometers at 19200bps

USB Programming Cable Support:

Only one USB programming cable supported per PC

Operating Temperature:

-20°C to +75°C

Cable Specifications:

  • Length: 3 meters
  • Color: black

Usage Instructions

Driver Installation:

The IC690USB901 requires a USB device driver for operation. These drivers are included on the provided CD-ROM. Refer to the documentation on the driver CD-ROM for installation instructions.

COM Port Configuration:

After driver installation, the corresponding COM port for the IC690USB901 will appear in the Windows Device Manager. Select this COM port in your programming or other application software. Use default communication parameters; usage is similar to a traditional RS232 programming cable.

Long-Distance Communication

Maximum Distance:

The cable supports up to 1.5 kilometers at 19200bps.

Extension Cable:

An extension cable can be made using shielded twisted-pair cable with a cross-sectional area of 0.22 mm² or more. For distances exceeding 1500 meters, use an RS422 repeater (model: E485GA) to extend the communication range. Note: The USB interface cable itself cannot be extended.

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