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GE Multilin 489-P5-HI-A20-E Generator Protection Relay

GE Multilin 489-P5-HI-A20-E Generator Protection Relay

Technical Specifications:

Product No.:
In Stock
Product Type:
Protection Relay
Product Origin:
Shipping port:
12 months

489-P5-HI-A20-E Generator Management Relay Overview

Alternate Model Number: SR489-P5-HI-A20-E

Country of Manufacture: Made in Canada

Model Number: 489-P5-HI-A20-E

Input Voltage: 90-300VDC or 70-265VAC

Inadvertent Energization Time Delay: No Intentional Delay

Impulse Voltage Withstand Test Level: 5 KV

EFT Standard: IEEE/ANSI C37.90.1

3rd Harmonic Timing Accuracy: ±3.0 s

RS485 Baud Rates: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200

RTDs 1 to 12 Elements: Alarm and Trip

Undervoltage Curve Shapes: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200

Phase Current Inputs: P5 = 5 A phase CT secondaries

Control Power: HI = 90 to 300 V DC; 70 to 265 V AC at 48 to 62 Hz

Analog Outputs: A20 = 4 to 20 mA analog outputs

Display: E = Enhanced display, larger LCD

Product Description:

The 489-P5-HI-A20-E, part of GE Multilin's 489 Generator Management Series, is a generator management relay featuring 5A phase CT secondaries and a HI control power range of 90-300 VDC and 70-265 VAC at 48-62 Hz. Equipped with analog outputs of 4 to 20 mA, this relay boasts an enhanced display with a larger LCD compared to its basic display counterpart, typically serving as an upgrade option.

Renowned as one of the most widely installed relays in the 489 Generator Protection Series, the 489-P5-HI-A20-E offers essential features such as trip and alarm protection, metering, breaker failure detection, flash memory, trip coil supervision, and VT fuse failure indication. It also supports simulation capabilities.

Utilizing the Enervista 489PC Software, users can interact with and program the relay from a PC, enhancing ease of use and customization. The software is included in new factory package versions of the 489-P5-HI-A20-E. Additionally, new units come with an SR489-CASE draw-out case, while refurbished relays can include the case upon request.

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