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GE Fanuc IC693CPU350 Single slot CPU module
GE Fanuc IC693CPU350 Single slot CPU module
Technical Specifications:
Product No.:
In Stock
Product Type:
CPU Module
Product Origin:
Shipping port:
12 months
Technical Specifications of Single Slot CPU Module
- Manufacturer: GE Fanuc
- Product No.: IC693CPU350
- Total Baseplates per System: 8 (CPU baseplate + 7 expansion and/or remote)
- CPU Type: Single slot CPU module
- Total Baseplates per System: 8 (CPU baseplate + 7 expansion and/or remote)
- Load Required from Power Supply: 670 milliamps from +5 VDC supply
- Processor Speed: 25 MegaHertz
- Processor Type: 80386EX
- Typical Scan Rate: 0.22 milliseconds per 1K of logic (Boolean contacts)
- User Program Memory (maximum): 32K Bytes (not configurable)
- Discrete Input Points (%I): 2,048
- Discrete Output Points (%Q): 2,048
- Discrete Global Memory (%G): 1,280 bits
- Internal Coils (%M): 4,096 bits
- Output (Temporary) Coils (%T): 256 bits
- System Status References (%S): 128 bits (%S, %SA, %SB, %SC - 32 bits each)
- Register Memory (%R): 9,999 words
- Analog Inputs (%AI): 2,048 words
- Analog Outputs (%AQ): 512 words
- System Registers (for reference table viewing only): 28 words (%SR)
- Timers/Counters: >2,000
- Shift Registers: Yes
- Built-in Serial Port(s): 1 (uses connector on PLC power supply). Supports SNP, SNP-X slave protocols. Requires CMM module for SNP/SNP-X master, CCM, or RTU (slave) protocol support. Requires PCM module for RTU master support.
- Communications: LAN – Supports multidrop. Also supports Ethernet, FIP, Profibus, GBC, GCM, and GCM+ option modules.
- Override: Yes
- Battery Backed Clock: Yes
- Interrupts: Supports the periodic subroutine feature.
- Type of Memory Storage: RAM and Flash
- PCM/CCM Compatibility: Yes
- Floating Point Math Support: Yes, firmware-based in firmware releases 9.0 and later.
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