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GE Fanuc IC695ALG508 RX3i RTD Input Module

GE Fanuc IC695ALG508 RX3i RTD Input Module

Technical Specifications:

Product No.:
In Stock
Product Type:
RTD Input Module
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Shipping port:
12 months

IC695ALG508 RTD Input Module

The IC695ALG508 RTD Input Module is designed to facilitate the integration of RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) sensors into industrial control systems without the need for external signal processing equipment. This module supports both RTD and resistive inputs, offering versatility in temperature sensing applications.


  • Universal Analog Input: Configurable for various input types including RTD, thermocouple, current, voltage, and resistive.
  • High Channel Density: Provides 8 channels in a single module, optimizing space utilization on the backplane.
  • Cold Junction Compensation: Essential for accurate temperature measurements, ensuring reliable operation across varying ambient temperatures.
  • Diagnostic Capabilities: Detects open wire, short circuit conditions, and monitors positive/negative rate of change, ensuring robust performance and easy troubleshooting.
  • Channel-to-Channel Isolation: Offers two groups of four channels with high isolation ratings (250 VAC continuous, 1500 VAC 1 minute, 2550 VDC 1 second), enhancing system reliability and noise immunity.
  • Notch Filter: Includes a notch filter to minimize noise interference in the RTD signals, improving signal clarity and accuracy.
  • Resolution and Accuracy: Provides high-resolution data (32-bit IEEE floating point or 16-bit integer format) with calibrated accuracy typically within ±0.5% at 25°C.
  • Compact Design: Occupies only one slot on a universal backplane, utilizing PCI bus for communication.
  • Fault Protection: Features zener diode clamps for protection against voltage spikes and transient conditions.
  • Update Time: Offers fast update times per channel, ensuring responsive data acquisition and control system performance.
Feature Details
Product Name Universal Analog and configurable for Current, Voltage, RTD, Thermocouple and Resistive. High Density (8 Channel) Requires Cold Junction Compensation.
Lifecycle Status Active
Module Type RTD (and Resistive) Input
Backplane Support Universal Backplane Only. Uses PCI Bus.
Number of Slots 1
Number of Channels 8
RTD Types Supported 2, 3 and 4 wire 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 ohm Pt 385; 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 ohm Pt 391.6; 100, 200, 500, and 1000 ohm Ni 618; 120 ohm Ni 672; 604 ohm NiFe 518; 10, 50 and 100 ohm Cu 426
Diagnostics Open wire, short circuit, positive/negative rate of change, High, High-High, Low, Low-Low
Channel-to-Channel Isolation Two Groups of Four<br>250 VAC Continuous<br>1500 VAC 1 minute<br>2550 VDC 1 second
Notch Filter Yes
Resolution 32-bit IEEE floating point or 16-bit integer (in 32-bit field) input data format
Accuracy Calibrated Accuracy at 25°C. Typical is ±0.5%
Input Impedance >1000 Megohms
I/O Required 6 %AI
Fault Protection Zener Diode Clamp
Update Time 15 msec @ 28 Hz to 120 msec @ 2.3 Hz
A/D Conversion Type Sigma Delta
Connector Type IC694TBBx32, IC694TBSx32 or IC694TBC032. Sold Separately.
Internal Power Used 150 mA @ 5V; 300 mA @ 3.3V

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